Sysmex Europe

Quality control in Sysmex haematology

Delivering excellence in haematology: empowering laboratories worldwide

As the global leader in haematology, we owe a lot of our success to a strong commitment to exceptional quality. From our cutting-edge analysers and reagents, to our approach to holistic service, we prioritise excellence in all that we do. We understand the critical role of quality control (QC) in ensuring the reliable functioning of entire systems.

Reliable results for peace of mind in a changing landscape

In today's dynamic healthcare environment, regulatory and accreditation requirements are on the rise. We understand the challenges laboratories face in meeting these demanding standards. By implementing strict quality control measures, we strive to deliver highly reliable results, providing peace of mind to laboratory personnel as well as patients. With our unwavering commitment to quality, we provide you with the tools and support your need to meet regulatory requirements, generate reliable results, and make a positive impact on patient care.

Our holistic quality concept

The Sysmex quality concept covers a range of interlocking components for quality control that continuously ensure and maintain the reliability of analysis results, giving users full confidence at all times. All steps are also included in our approach to education and support, from training courses (online and on site) to local service hotlines to educational materials, we’ve got you covered when it comes to QC.



What’s included in calibration and how does it benefit the user?

  • Sysmex calibrators assure comparability and maximum accuracy around the world
  • In compliance with international standards:
    • Quality control material and calibrator are different materials (as demanded by CLSI guideline C24 § 6.2.1)
    • Calibrator values comparable to reference methods according to ISO17511, also allowing users to satisfy requirements of ISO15189 that completely fulfil metrological traceability
Internal QC

Internal QC

What’s included in internal QC and how does it benefit the user?

  • Monitor whole blood diagnostic parameters from one ready-to-use QC vial
  • Separate material for monitoring body fluid analyses
  • Different concentration levels available
  • Similar to patient blood: based on real cells – no artificial components
Click here for our internal QC SEED article


What’s included in XbarM and how does it benefit the user?

  • XbarM is patient sample-based quality control
  • Highly sensitive, continuous analyser performance monitoring tool using routine patient blood measurements
  • Excellent tool to monitor flagging performance
  • Easy to use: XbarM does not require any additional material, work or costs
  • Perfect complementary tool to stabilised internal quality control material
Check out this XbarM SEED article


What’s included in Caresphere™ XQC and how does it benefit the user?

  • Caresphere™ XQC is interlaboratory comparison tool
  • Individual results monitored against an international peer group
  • No extra measurements
  • Convenient automated transfer of data
  • Real-time online access to your data via Caresphere™ XQC
  • Customised peer groups
  • Accredited according to ISO/IEC 17043
Learn more about Caresphere™ XQC

Videos QC material preparation

For XN Check, XN-L Check, XN Check BF, XN Cal, XN Cal PF, Eightcheck-3WP, SCS-1000

For Platelet Check

Quality control materials for our haematology portfolio

Experience seamless QC management: introducing QC Assay Data Auto-Download

Discover the power of hands-free, automated QC and calibrator assay data download with the Sysmex Support Manager. This innovative feature allows effortless data retrieval whenever a new lot number of QC vials is measured on our haematology analysers – no manual intervention required. The secure Sysmex server automatically transfers the data via the internet to the analyser's IPU, seamlessly registering it. Even XN Cal assay data is accessible during calibrator calibration.

Revolutionising quality control handling with the BT-50 from XR-Series

With the BT-50, quality control is a breeze. Say goodbye to manual QC processes and human error. This innovative system handles it all automatically – from storage and incubation at room temperature, transporting QC vials to the haematology analysers to precise mixing. Streamline your workflow and enjoy peace of mind knowing that your QC is in capable hands. Discover the future of QC with the BT-50 and experience a new level of efficiency and accuracy in your laboratory. 

Our QC product portfolio



Monitoring and verification for 3-part differential

Platelet Check

Platelet Check

QC for monitoring platelets

XN Check

XN Check

High-quality QC material for haematology

XN Check BF

XN Check BF

High-quality QC material for haematology with BF licence

XN-L Check

XN-L Check

High-quality QC material for XN-L Series


Our calibration product portfolio



High-quality calibrator material for Sysmex haematology analysers

XN Cal

XN Cal

Calibrator for XR-Series and other haematology analysers

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