Quality & environment management
At Sysmex Europe, under the supervision and management of the CEO, the Quality Management Team leads our quality management efforts in the EMEA region.
Sysmex Europe SE is certified according to EN ISO 13485:2016, ensuring transparent and effective processes with a main focus on product safety, product quality and adherence to regulatory requirements. As part of an integrated management system approach (IMS) Sysmex Europe SE also holds a certification according to ISO 14001:2015. Based on this certification, Sysmex’ strategic approach and on our headquarter Sysmex Corporation, environmental objectives Sysmex Europe SE continuously improves of the sustainability commitment and the prevention of environmental issues in the EMEA region.
Following our global Sysmex Way our company quality philosophy is mirrored in our quality and environmental policy:

Sysmex Way: We carry out our business in strict compliance with laws and regulations, as well as in adherence to high ethical standards. As a responsible member of society, we play an active role in solving environmental contexts and problems that impact and interests our society today.
For any questions related to quality and/or health, safety or environment, please contact: