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The evaluation of the effectiveness of antiplatelet medication and forecast of future cardiovascular complications are very important for many patients. The immature platelets are more reactive compared to mature platelets and have a higher prothrombotic potential. IPF# can be associated with poor antiplatelet drug response due to residual platelet reactivity and has been shown to have additional value compared to traditional platelet function tests. In this white paper the related scientific publications are explained.
Patients with acute coronary syndromes often have high immature platelet counts (IPF#) that the body produces to compensate for platelet loss caused by platelet aggregation due to atherosclerosis. This clinical information card explains the IPF# in this context and as it is a valuable supportive parameter for effective risk assessment and therapy management of coronary artery diseases.
The focus of this clinical information card is how the haematological parameter 'immature platelet fraction' (IPF) supports differential diagnosis of thrombocytopenia.
This poster includes information about bone marrow cytology and histology. As well as a table containing indications for bone marrow examination and decision criteria for bone marrow cytology or bone marrow histology. And finally images of normal bone marrow cytology.
This case report presents a patient who has undergone surgery for subarachnoid haemorrhage. A week after removal of the patient’s drainage tube, a check-up examination of CSF was performed. The CSF sample had a pale orange colour, so-called ‘xanthochromia’, which is caused by the presence of bilirubin, a degradation product of haemoglobin.
A patient case showing early detection of latent iron deficiency, that would not have been detected in a normal routine blood count or blood smear is described. A low RET-He (reticulocyte haemoglobin equivalent) value triggered a confirmatory test and lead to prompt treatment of the patient.
A blood count is part of almost every medical check-up and, as such, one of the most frequently ordered laboratory tests. Several research studies show how Extended Inflammation Parameters (EIP) can support infection diagnostics by measuring WBC immune cell activation from a CBC + DIFF.
It has been extensively described in the literature that samples from patients with unstable haemoglobin variants show a distinct pattern in the WDF scattergram. This SEED article focuses on how users can recognise these special patterns in the scattergrams.